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Our Goal

So what's the goal of all this?

To say Toad Style Magazine has one goal would be inaccurate. Why stop at one! We've always been told it's best to be ambitious in life, after all. But seriously, Toad Style Magazine has a few goals in mind:


1. Create a wonderful and kind community

The beauty of the entertainment/art that we write about in this magazine is that we truly believe it's for everyone. While it's certainly true that not all of the individual media discussed is to everyone's liking, there's something here for everyone. Which is why the most important goal of the magazine is to create a community of people from all areas of life. We want all readers of this to feel a part of something, to feel part of a group who share similar interests and can discuss what they've read here as friends. 


2. Show people new things

Whether it's an obscure 70s sci-fi movie or Wuthering Heights, we want you (the reader) to come across something new every time content is added to the mag. Maybe you'll find a French New Wave film you're interested in from one of the recommendation lists, or maybe a detailed analysis on a Victorian novel will give you a new way of thinking every time you see it. Either way, we want you to leave this site having discovered something new.


3. To be printed

Toad Style Magazine will always be an online magazine first, don't worry. You will always be able to come here for your pop culture fix. However, the incredibly ambitious goal of this magazine is to eventually be physically printed in some capacity. It would likely only be annually, or every few months, as the cost and time of printing magazines would be heavy to say the least. But even still, the idea of you holding a special copy of our magazine would be a real dream come true. 

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