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Got something you want to write about and are desperate for the world to read?


Submissions rule and must-knows

Running an online magazine all on your own isn't easy! Making sure a website runs smoothly while trying to write articles frequently is wonderful, but time consuming. Not to mention, having one writer is boring for the readers at home! And we wouldn't be fulfilling our goal of creating a community if you weren't involved!


That's why Toad Style Magazine is looking for writers looking to share their creative work with the world! So, if you're sitting on an article that you want to get out there, then send it here! However, before you do, take a look at our rules for submitting your work + things you need to know for yourself!


1. Must fit the magazine!

While I'm sure your political piece is wonderfully written, it's not what this magazine is about. Please ensure that your work fits in with our categories (movie reviews, analysis of books or art etc.) before submitting. If you have a piece that you think could fit but doesn't directly correlate with one of our sections, still send it over!


2. Money

Unfortunately, we will not be able to pay you for your work. While we would like this to change in the future, it is just not financially possible at this time due to the magazine being so new. We will list your article for free if it is chosen of course, so don't think you have to pay anything! So please, only submit if you're happy for your work to be viewed for free!


3. It's yours

You've done all the hard work. You've written the article, thought of it, planned it out etc. so it's yours by all means. It's our job to show it off, but you're the genius behind it! Your work will have your name, or chosen name on it (should you want either of these) as it's your hard work and creativity that brought it to life!


4. Be patient!

Toad Style Magazine is currently a one man army! So please be patient when waiting for a verdict on your submission.

How to Submit

To submit your work, email with the subject "Article Submission" with your work attached. Google Docs would be preferred but you may link any file (word etc.)


If you do not hear from us in over 30 days, assume your work has not been selected.

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